Da Ailleboust bereits ein Haus in Argenteuil bei Paris besaß, nannte er seine Domäne Argenteuil Seigneury. Language is a defining factor as to the territorial distribution of the population within the municipalities of the MRC d'Argenteuil. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Argenteuil egy község Franciaországban, Île-de-France régióban. 0,8% • Wohnungen. The CISSS des Laurentides jurisdiction includes the MRC d’Argenteuil. L'enregistrement de la séance sera disponible ici dès le 14 mai. Im Januar 1983 trat die Gemeinde Argenteuil die Nachfolge der Grafschaft Argenteuil an. Each action has been assigned a leader, a time frame and an order of priority. Its capital was Lachute. Übersicht: Gliederung. Fünf Jahre später kaufte Sir John Johnson , ein Loyalist aus New York, der nach der amerikanischen Revolution nach Kanada umgesiedelt war , den Rest des Argenteuil Seigneury. Out of that amount, $ 1,550 came from MRC staff members. The MRC d’Argenteuil is pleased with the favourable response to the two local shopping platforms recently launched by the community and for which it provided $10,000 in funding. Answer: Argenteuil, France (Administrative unit: Île-de-France) - last known population is ≈ 105 000 (year 2012).This was 0.165% of total France population.If population growth rate would be same as in period 2007-2012 (+0.46%/year), Argenteuil population in 2021 would be: 109 405*. Er baute ein Sägewerk und gab Land für Kirchen, um neue Siedler nach Argenteuil zu locken. Lire le communiqué de presse: Français | Anglais Lire le mémoire Le Conseil de la MRC d'Argenteuil tiendra sa séance ordinaire, le mercredi 13 mai à 10 h. Dans le contexte actuel de la pandémie de la COVID-19, la MRC se voit dans l’obligation, suite à une directive du gouvernement du Québec, de tenir la séance à huis clos (à distance par visio-conférence). 6th edition of the MRC d’Argenteuil / Sûreté du Québec blood drive - GSLR COVID-19: Measures taken by the government The regional government has given $ 5,550. The population of the MRC d'Argenteuil territory is 29,451. In 1697, the Lord of Ailleboust and his wife Catherine Le Gardeur sold their seigneury to their son Pierre d'Ailleboust d'Argenteuil. Vous avez manqué la dernière émission de Parcours d'été avec les moments inédits? Argenteuil [aʀʒɑˈtœj]; (französisch Argenteuil?/i) ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 110.468 Einwohnern (Stand 1. This table shows the distribution of the population by population centre size groups and the residual rural areas, for all census divisions by the selected province or territory. In 1845, the Argenteuil Municipality was founded, but was abolished two years later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argenteuil_Regional_County_Municipality Lakosainak száma 110 210 fő (2017. január 1.). Nach der Eroberung von Neu-Frankreich durch die Briten im Jahre 1759 während des Siebenjährigen Krieges setzten die Briten ihre Gesetze um, behielten jedoch bestimmte französische Seigneurialrechte bei. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Vous avez des questions à propos des sujets à l’ordre du jour pour les membres du Cons… According to MRC d’Argenteuil Director-General Marc Carrière, the amount each municipality contributes is based on a combination of population, property values, or how regional services are allocated. Autobahnen und nummerierte Routen, die durch die Gemeinde führen, einschließlich externer Routen, die an der Bezirksgrenze beginnen oder enden: Regionale Kreisgemeinde in Quebec, Kanada, Nationale historische Stätte Caserne-de-Carillon, Liste der regionalen Kreisgemeinden und gleichwertigen Gebiete in Quebec, Offizielle Website des Grafen von Argenteuil (Geschichte der Herren von Argenteuil), Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe, "Argenteuil_Regional_County_Municipality", Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Regionalmuseum Argenteuil (Saint-André-d'Argenteuil), Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 22. Gemeinde in Agglomeration Paris. Oktober 2008: Quelle: travail personnel (own work). Im Laufe der Jahre wurde das Lehen von Pierre-Louis Panet und dann von Major Murray gehalten. The population is about 12,000 people. According to the CISSS des Laurentides regional health authority, as of Tuesday, there were 53 active cases of COVID-19 among the population of Argenteuil. Beschreibung: MRC Argenteuil, Quebec: Datum: 3. Das Symbol verlinkt zu weiteren Informationen über eine ausgewählte Gebietseinheit inklusive ihrer Bevölkerungsstruktur (Geschlecht, Altersgruppen, Altersverteilung, Staatsangehörigkeit, Zuwanderung). Name Arrondissement Population Census 1975-02-20 Population Census 1982-03-04 Population Census 1990-03-05 Population Census 1999-03-08 Population Estimate 2007-01-01 Population Estimate 2015-01-01 Population Estimate 2017-01-01 ; Argenteuil: Argenteuil: 102,530: … Imagi Head Office. [4], In 1854, the Parliament of the Province of Canada abolished the seigneurial system, and the County of Argenteuil was created the following year. Januar 2016) im Département Val-dOise in der Region Île-de-France. In 2016, the enumerated population of Argenteuil (Municipalité régionale de comté) was 32,389, which represents a change of 0.8% from 2011. The MRC d’Argenteuil has contributed to the Centraide Laurentides (United Way) « Ici, avec cœur » (Here, with heart) fundraising campaign. The county of Argenteuil was a municipal county of Quebec that existed between 1855 and the early 1980s. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository . and its businesses, Hydro-Québec is planning to build a new 315/120/25-kV transformer substation, named Argenteuil substation, and two double-circuit lines (one at 315 kV and the other at 120 kV) in the municipalities of Lachute and Saint-André-d’Argenteuil. Argenteuil. For example, the amount each municipality contributes for the Vélo-Route cycling corridor is based on the route distance through each municipality. Die Einwohner werden Argenteuillais genannt. He built a sawmill and gave land for churches, helping to attract new settlers to Argenteuil. The MRC d’Argenteuil encourages the population to support local businesses by using the site achatargenteuil.com. [4], After the conquest of New France by the British in 1759 during the Seven Years' War, the British implemented their laws, but maintained certain French seigneurial rights. April 15, 2020 –The MRC d’Argenteuil and the Sûreté du Québec are proud to announce that a total of 107 donors took part in the sixth edition of their annual blood drive on April 14, 2020, in the foyer of École Polyvalente Lavigne. Programs and Activities4Korners offers a wide range of programs for the Laurentian English-speaking population that focus on healthy lifestyles, mental health, foster creativity, and provide support for youth, families, individuals, seniors and caregivers of the elderly.Networking and Partnership InitiativeA program Its seat is Lachute. 1697 verkauften der Lord von Ailleboust und seine Frau Catherine Le Gardeur ihr Seigneury an ihren Sohn Pierre d'Ailleboust d'Argenteuil. The link between local food and sustainability is widely accepted, but MRC D’Argenteuil, Quebec’s successful linkage of food production and social justice is garnering interest across Canada. Sein Sitz ist Lachute . Last year, the regional county municipality (population 32,510) embarked on a community agriculture project with the goal of serving 400 disadvantaged families. BOTTIN DU NOUVEL ARRIVANT Bien qu'il ait été conçu à des fins d'accueil, ce bottin de ressources s'avère des plus précieux pour toute la population d'Argenteuil. Originally in the 17th century, "La Chute" identified a cataract or falls on the North River ... Official web site of MRC of Argenteuil; Official tourist web site of the MRC d'Argenteuil ; Official web site of the Count of Argenteuil (History of Seigniors of Argenteuil) Last edited on 25 January 2021, at 14:46. Inhalt. Press release - The MRC d’Argenteuil supporting its businesses Wednesday, 29 April 2020 Lachute, April 23, 2020 – Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the MRC's economic development department (Service de développement économique or SDE) has been working hard to support the region's entrepreneurs and help them get through this difficult period. On Monday, there had been 55 active cases. Argenteuil residents aged 80 and older now eligible for COVID-19 vaccination March 2, 2021 ... health authority is reminding Québec residents that its COVID-19 vaccination campaign continues in the general population, according to priority age groups. Category:Argenteuil Regional County Municipality. Achat Argenteuil, designed and operated by Trifecta Médias of Lachute, was created for local businesses to facilitate access to online sales. The … The population of Argenteuil invited to book an appointment to give blood on April 14th. This compares to the provincial average of 3.3% and the national average of 5.0%. The MRC d’Argenteuil is particularly attentive to the well-being of its senior population, as evidenced by its Family and Seniors Policy, adopted in 2016, and its active participation in many initiatives and organizations dedicated to seniors. Die Einwohnerentwicklung in Argenteuil sowie verwandte Informationen und Dienste (Wikipedia, Google, Bilder). The land area of Argenteuil (Municipalité régionale de comté) is 1,252.97 square kilometres and the population density was 25.8 people per square kilometre. Population (2016) • Insgesamt: 32,389 • Dichte: 25,8 / km 2 (67 / sq mi) • Ändern Sie 2011-2016. Se situează în nord-vestul aglomerației pariziene. Sein Sitz ist Lachute. MRC d'Argenteuil, Lachute (Lachute, Quebec). Argenteuil este un oraș din Franța, sub-prefectură a departamentului Val-d'Oise, în regiunea Île-de-France. In 1796, Jedediah Lane, from Jericho, Vermont, bought from Major Murray several thousand acres of land on both sides of the North River (Rivière du Nord), where Lachute is today. [2], In 1682, Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust was granted by Louis de Buade de Frontenac, Governor General of New France, a domain of 186 square kilometres (72 sq mi) of land. In the nineteenth century, the timber industry was very active in this section of the Laurentian Mountains and the first paper mill in Canada was built on this land in 1803. It consisted of the territory of the Lordship of Argenteuil granted during the period of New France and neighboring townships … The MRC has then defined indicators and targets for each action, allowing for assess- ment of its implementation performance. There was a slight decrease in the number of active cases of COVID-19 among residents of the MRC d’Argenteuil between Monday, February 1, and Tuesday, February 2. Since Ailleboust already owned a house in Argenteuil near Paris, he called his domain Argenteuil Seigneury. In order to meet the future energy needs of the MRC of Argenteuil. La Municipalité régionale de comté d'Argenteuil est composée de neuf municipalités locales et compte près de 33 000 résidents permanents. Question: What is the population of Argenteuil? In 1855, the Parish Municipality of Saint-André-d'Argenteuil was formed. In 1809, Thomas Barron bought the land of the territory that would become the center of the town of Lachute. Sources : Image:Quebec-MRC.PNG by Fralambert under licence Public Domain; Image:Villages-Cris-Qc.PNG by Joseph B under licence Public Domain; mrc_caractere.pdf by the Affaires municipales et Régions du Québec; Urheber This population is made up of 78% Francophones and 19% Anglophones and is unevenly spread out across the nine municipalities that make up the MRC. History. The MRC d’Argenteuil’s mission is to ensure the economic, social and environmental prosperity of its territory, in cooperation with its constituent municipalities and community partners, in order to improve the well-being of its population and that of future generations.. Argenteuil is a regional county municipality located in the Laurentides region of Quebec, Canada. [5], Highways and numbered routes that run through the municipality, including external routes that start or finish at the county border:[12], Regional county municipality in Quebec, Canada, Caserne-de-Carillon National Historic site, List of regional county municipalities and equivalent territories in Quebec, "Census Profile, 2016 Census: Argenteuil, Municipalité régionale de comté [Census division], Quebec", "Argenteuil (Municipalité régionale de comté)", "Carillon Barracks (Casernes de Carillon)", Official Web site of the Count of Argenteuil (History of Seigniors of Argenteuil), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Argenteuil_Regional_County_Municipality&oldid=1001941587, Regional county municipalities in Laurentides, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Argenteuil Regional Museum (Saint-André-d'Argenteuil), This page was last edited on 22 January 2021, at 02:26. Januar 2021 um 02:26, This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article. Argenteuil Regional County Municipality regional county municipality. Orașe înfrățite. Argenteuil ist eine regionale Kreisgemeinde in der Region Laurentides in Quebec , Kanada. [4] In January 1983, the Argenteuil Regional County Municipality succeeded the County of Argenteuil. 1.6K likes. 19.081: Zeitzone: UTC-5 ( EST) • Sommer ( DST) UTC-4 ( EDT) Vorwahl (en) 450 und 579: Webseite: www .argenteuil .qc .ca: Argenteuil ist eine regionale Kreisgemeinde in der Region Laurentides in Quebec, Kanada. Population counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions, population centre size groups and rural areas, 2016 Census. The area is now part of the region Laurentides and is divided between the MRC of Argenteuil, the Pays d'en Haut and the Laurentians. Im Jahr 1809 kaufte Thomas Barron das Land des Territoriums, das das Zentrum der Stadt Lachute werden sollte. This fiefdom was bounded by the Ottawa River to the south, a line through the center of the hamlet of Carillon in the west and Clear Lake (Lac Clair) to the north. Voyez-la en ligne! The platform can be accessed at www.achatargenteuil.com. Five years later, Sir John Johnson, a Loyalist from New York who had resettled in Canada after the American Revolution, bought the rest of the Argenteuil Seigneury. Subsequently over the years, the fiefdom was held by Pierre-Louis Panet, and then by Major Murray. Im Jahr 1682 wurde Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust von Louis de Buade de Frontenac , Generalgouverneur von Neu-Frankreich , eine Domäne von 186 Quadratkilometern Land gewährt . 9436, boul. Dieses Lehen wurde im Süden vom Ottawa River begrenzt , einer Linie durch das Zentrum des Weilers Carillon im Westen und durch den Clear Lake ( Lac Clair ) im Norden. Population. 1854 hob das Parlament der Provinz Kanada das Seigneurialsystem auf, und im folgenden Jahr wurde die Grafschaft Argenteuil gegründet. du Golf Montréal, Qc H1J 3A1 1 800 770-5410 514 355-1777 Contact Us » In concrete terms, the MRC d’Argenteuil Action Plan can be divided into 4 goals, 26 strategic directions, 72 objectives and 207 actions*. Sie ist Unterpräfektur des Arrondissements Argenteuil sowie Verwaltungssitz von drei Kantonen innerhalb dieses Arrondissements. Ca populație este al treilea oraș din aceasta. The population development of Argenteuil as well as related information and services (weather, Wikipedia, Google, images). 1796 kaufte Jedediah Lane aus Jericho, Vermont , von Major Murray mehrere tausend Morgen Land auf beiden Seiten des Nordflusses ( Rivière du Nord ), wo sich heute Lachute befindet. Történelme Földrajza.
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