Alzo, hoewel wij als de zaadkorreltjes op één akker van de dood begraven worden, zo zullen wij toch op de jongste dag, onverwisseld met elkaar opstaan, ieder in zijn vlees, ieder met zijn geest. ( Z) pits, and when the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now if we be found like the barren fig tree, [Luke 13:6-9] that had leaves only; or the cypress tree, which is said to be fair and tall, but altogether fruitless; or the cyparittree, of which Pliny (c) affirms, that it is always fruitless; {natu morosa, fructu supervacanea, baccis parva, foliis amara, odore violenta, ac ne umbra quidem gratiosa} what can we expect, but that he should set down his basket, and taking up his axe, hew us down as fuel for the fire of hell? (i) This sentence is often repeated, to signify that God made all his creatures to serve for his glory and for the profit of man: but because of sin they were cursed, yet the elect, by Christ are restored, and serve to their wealth. Genesis 17:12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which [is] not of thy seed. Genesis 12:2. He will have enough children and grandchildren and further descendants to populate a nation. Thus, the land begins to assume the form of beauty and fertility. It was necessary to produce light in the first place, because without this potent element water could not pass into vapor, and rise on the wings of the buoyant air into the region above the expanse. Abraham had become so desperate that he proposed to adopt his servant Eliezer of Damascus as his heir. Exegetical Lessons 1–100 on Genesis When I exegete a book, I tend to get very bogged down in the details and so, I decided to develop a series of a few short lessons on various chapters of the Bible, where I attempt to simply deal with the primary points of each verse without getting too detail-oriented. [Note: Hamilton, p126.]. Answer is made by a worthy divine, (e) that the allusion [Revelation 22:2] seems to intimate some such matter. When he comes, he will turn up your leaves; and look that, like the tree of life, [Revelation 22:21] we bear fruit every month: or that we be like the lemon tree, which ever and anon sendeth forth new lemons as soon as the former are fallen down with ripeness; or the Egyptian fig tree, which, saith Solinus, (b) beareth fruit seven times a year; pull off a fig, and another breaks forth in the place shortly after. Abraham!”. min) is not a biologically exact term. Genesis chapter 11 is all about the plans of man. [Mark 11:13]. In één mens schiep God alle mensen, in één boom alle bomen, in één gewas alle gewassen van deze soort, die er zijn zouden tot aan het einde van de wereld.. Is dat geen wonder? Genesis 1:13. It has already ceased to be "a waste." . "Kind" (Heb. But this morning as I rose up to pray and read my Bible. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "With the conclusion of the third day yet another color is added to God"s cosmos. Genesis 1-11 tells the story of human history from the beginning to Abram. From henceforward Abram and his seed are almost the only subject of the history in the Bible. And now, at the end of this third day, let us pause to review the natural order in which everything has been thus far done. 12. John Trapp Complete Commentary. or a vine, figs? Genesis 12:1-20.CALL TO ABRAM. Now the canvas is adorned with green. Basil thinks otherwise, and that till sin came in, the rose was without prickles. Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed [was] in itself, after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good. do his own work? Genesis 1:11. The second generation will amount to two trillions, five hundred and nine thousand and fifty-six billions. The first triad [of days] ends climactically with the creation of vegetation; the second, the creation of humanity. New American Standard Version. ( Y) was full of tar. And, lastly, He might have carried on to completion all the evolutions of universal nature that have since taken place or will hereafter take place until the last hour has struck on the clock of time. And the earth brought forth grass. CHAPTER 12. John Trapp Complete Commentary. It indicates that God created several different families of plants as separate acts of creation (cf. Geneva Study Bible. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind. Then God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them"; and it was so. In great abundance at once; the hills and vales were clothed with it, and so a rich provision was made the beasts and cattle of the earth two or three days before they were created: [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding. 12. Genesis 1:12. All Old Testament Overviews TaNaK / Old Testament Overview Genesis 1-11 Genesis 12-50 Exodus 1-18 Exodus 19-40 Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 & 2 Kings Ezra-Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Isaiah 1-39 Isaiah 40-66 Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel 1-33 Ezekiel 34-48 Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah … He created the lights" functions on the fourth day and the birds and fish on the fifth day. THE CONTEXT. Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible. Our lesson from the Old Testament is not the first occasion in Genesis where God speaks to Abram, but it is the first time that Abraham responds so that a back-and-forth exchange takes place. 12. Share: The promise to Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 12:1-4 marks one of the most dramatic transitions in the entire story of the Old Testament. The very nature of the eternal shows the futility of such speculations. The atmosphere must in the next place be reduced to order, and charged with its treasures of vapor, before the plants could commence the process of growth, even though stimulated by the influence of light and heat. He might even by possibility have constructed the stratifications of the earth's crust with all their slips, elevations, depressions, unconformities, and organic formations in a day. The first triad [of days] ends climactically with the creation of vegetation; the second, the creation of humanity." And the earth brought forth, &c.] Augustine (a) thinks that thorns and thistles, brambles and briers were before the fall, though not in the same abundance as now. ( AA) fled, some of the men fell into them and the rest fled to the hills. The reader is told that “the word of the LORD came to Abram.”. 10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. It indicates that the herbs and trees sprang out of the earth according to their kinds, and received, together with power to bear seed and fruit, the capacity to propagate and multiply their own kind. It indicates that the herbs and trees sprang out of the earth according to their kinds, and received, together with power to bear seed and fruit, the capacity to propagate and multiply their own kind. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Genesis 9:8-17 EXEGESIS: GENESIS 3-9. May we not, rather, must we not, soberly conclude that there is a due proportion between the action and the time of the action, the creation to be developed and the time of development. The language found in the opening verse of the chapter shapes the reader’s perception of Abram. Dennis Olson. Up to this time there has been no atmosphere, for creation is seen as being one blanket of ‘primeval water’. Biblical Commentary Genesis 12:1-9 EXEGESIS: GENESIS 1-11. He's right, it has been. Sums too immense for the human mind to conceive; and, when we allow the most confined space in which a tree can grow, it appears that the seeds of the third generation from one elm would be many myriads of times more than sufficient to stock the whole superfices of all the planets in the solar system! At first one seed is deposited in the earth; from this one a tree springs, which in the course of its vegetative life produces one thousand five hundred and eighty-four millions of seeds. Poverty and labour, wants and wanderings, could not separate Abram and Lot; but riches did so. SCRIPTURE COMMENTARY GENESIS 1:1-12. 12 “Do not lay a hand on … Mark Throntveit. Share: What could God possibly do to counter the spread of sin that dominated the story in Genesis 3 through 11? and God saw that it was good; which he had now caused to spring forth, grass, herbs, and fruit trees, which were good for men and beast, and this he foresaw would be so; See Gill on Genesis 1:4. and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself after his kind: wholesome and healthful herbs and plants, and delicious fruit to be meat and food for man, ready prepared for him when created; see Genesis 1:29 on this day, though after related, were made the garden of Eden, and all the trees in it, pleasant for sight, and good for food; and particularly the tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. "With the conclusion of the third day yet another color is added to God"s cosmos. It is likely there were such shrubs at first created, {non ut loederent hominem non peccantem, sed peccaturum,} saith Pareus. All plants, therefore, did not evolve from one. What purpose would have been served by all this speed? Daarom kan er geen sprake zijn van dood geloof of werkeloze bekering. Ver. Mine and thine are the great make-bates of the world. Commentary on Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18. And he that is eight days old.] Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Doubtless, He might. ", "Both vegetation and humanity, symbolizing the fertility of life, were considered pinnacles of creation in the ancient Near East. Bible > Commentaries > Genesis 1:12 Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it … Now the Lord had said unto Abram. Gij neemt een handvol verschillende zaadkorreltjes en strooit ze naast elkaar op één en dezelfde grond, waar zij dezelfde voeding, sap en verzorging genieten; toch verwisselen zij niet, maar ieder brengt voort naar zijn eigen soort; het één wit, het ander geel, de vruchten zoet en zuur, bruin en zwart, rood en groen, hoog en nederig. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Genesis 16:1-12 New International Version (NIV) Hagar and Ishmael. Similarly, on the fourth and fifth days God did one work. [Luke 6:44] "Can a fig tree," saith James, "bear olive berries? Then on the sixth day He again did two works. Each lesson is 2–5 pages long and designed to be read at one sitting. למיגו (after its kind), from מין species, which is not only repeated in Genesis 1:12 in its old form למיגהוּ in the case of the fruit-tree, but is also appended to the herb. Often world religions have extolled peace while bringing war. See my experiments on Tilling in the Methodist Magazine. He pares and prunes {αιρει χαηαιρει, John 15:2} his leaves and luxuriancies; yea, cuts and slashes where need requires; and all that we may bear more fruit. The Transition from Genesis 1-11 to Genesis 12: Deep Background In Genesis 1-11, God struggled with a repeatedly rebellious, violent, and corrupt humanity as a whole (Eden, Cain and Abel, … John Trapp Complete Commentary. ", John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. “Here I am,” he replied. "Both vegetation and humanity, symbolizing the fertility of life, were considered pinnacles of creation in the ancient Near East. Note that on the first and second days God did one work each day. 10 Now the Valley of Siddim. In the case of Sarah and Abraham, their first “bad situation” was their inability to have a child despite the promise in Genesis 12:2 that God would make of them a great nation. "walk within his own house with a perfect heart," [Psalms 101:2] till God come unto him? But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; 2 so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Even after the destruction of the flood, the people responded to their second chance by falling into the same old sinful patterns . Creationists generally affirm microevolution (the development of different varieties of plants and animals through crossbreeding) but deny macroevolution (the development of all plants from one plant, animals from plants, and humans from animals). Biblical Commentary Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 EXEGESIS: GENESIS 13-15. This doctrine has been abundantly confirmed by the most accurate observations of the best modern philosophers. And the development of what is created not only displays a mutual harmony and exact coincidence in the progress of all its other parts, but is at the same time finely adapted to the constitution of man, and the natural, safe, and healthy ratio of his physical and metaphysical movements. Such language typically records the experience of prophets (Hosea 1:1; Joel 1:1; Micah 1:1). Genesis 4:1-12. Jump to: Adam Clarke Commentary. This warrants our baptizing of infants of both sexes. This clause is so often added, to show that all the disorders, evil and hurtful qualities, that now are in the creatures, are not to be imputed to God, who made all of them good; but to man’s sin, which hath corrupted their nature, and perverted their use. Could not the Eternal One have accomplished all this in one day? How astonishing is this produce! Ver. When all these conditions are fulfilled, then the plants themselves are called into existence, and the first cycle of the new creation is completed. ‘And God said “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.’. THE CONTEXT. And He might have compressed the growth and development of centuries into a moment. Spain is said to have nothing barren in it, or not some way useful; (d) and why should Christ’s orchard, the Church? XII. [Note: Ibid, p125.] There was a strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s livestock” (13:6-7). [Note: Waltke, Genesis, p36.]. View Bible Text. Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed [was] in itself, after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good. And should not every man in like manner bear his own fruit, proper to his kind, to his calling? To the basic white and black of day and night has been added the blue of sky and sea. The third generation will amount to three thousand nine hundred and seventy-four quadrillions, three hundred and forty-four thousand seven hundred and four trillions! Here some demand, Were the trees so created at first, that if sin had never entered, they had ever flourished, laden with fruit? 1. Genesis 1:21; Genesis 1:24-25; Genesis 6:20; Genesis 7:14; Leviticus 11:14-29; Deuteronomy 14:13-18). as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. He might have effected it all in an instant of time. It is a dismal history that includes the Fall (chapter 3), the murder of Abel (4:1-16), wickedness and the Flood (chapters 6-8), Noah’s nakedness and the cursing of Canaan (9:18-27), and the story of Babel (11:1-9). 12. d. And make your name great: God promised to bless Abram and to make [his] name great. But what then? In Ur of the Chaldees, before he came and dwelt in Charran, as seems from ( Acts 7:2 ) and so Aben Ezra interprets it; but Jarchi and others think, that what follows was said to him in Haran, and so the words may be more literally rendered F21, "and the Lord said unto Abram"; Genesis 12:1. 1) Wonder van God! Sincerity alone will not comfort a man, unless it grow up to fruitfulness; which, springing from the exercise of grace, hath a sweet reflection on the soul, as in sick Hezekiah; [Isaiah 38:3] and sweetly seals up our "calling to glory and virtue," [2 Peter 1:3] as the budding of Aaron’s rod did his calling to the priesthood: whereupon one well observeth, that not only all the plants of God’s setting, but the very boughs cut off from the body of them will flourish. למיגו (after its kind), from מין species, which is not only repeated in Genesis 1:12 in its old form למיגהוּ in the case of the fruit-tree, but is also appended to the herb. למיגו (after its kind), from מין species, which is not only repeated in Genesis 1:12 in its old form למיגהוּ in the case of the fruit-tree, but is also appended to the herb. The golden-yellow sun and the reddish human being will complete this rainbow of colors. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. And the fourth generation from these would amount to six sextillions two hundred and ninety-five thousand three hundred and sixty-two quintillions, eleven thousand one hundred and thirty-six quadrillions! Now since the fall, all creatures are armed against man: as that sword which Hector gave Ajax, which, so long as he used against men, his enemies, served for help and defence; but after he began to abuse it to the hurt of haemless beasts, it turned into his own bowels. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Genesis chapter 12 is all about the plans of God. He created the land and vegetation. 11 But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Recently, a well known entertainer, ex-Beatle Paul McCartney, remarked how that religion was responsible for so much war in history. Now the canvas is adorned with green. It is obvious that the above and such like questions are not wisely put. Chapter 4 continues the dark story by telling of the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. weed his own gardens. Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Commentary by William Yarchin Our lesson from the Old Testament is not the first occasion in Genesis where God speaks to Abram, but it is the first time that Abraham responds so that a back-and-forth exchange takes place. The astonishing power with which God has endued the vegetable creation to multiply its different species, may be instanced in the seed of the elm. 16 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. Genesis 1:12. So that men do not "gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles". In every previous occasion, God had promised to give Abram progeny and land. At first I was reluctant to start with Genesis because I had read these passages so many times and there were so many parts of the Bible that I was wanting to get into that I have not as in depth. This tree produces one thousand five hundred and eighty-four millions of seeds; and each of these seeds has the power of producing the same number. On the first three days He gave form to what was formless, and on the last three days He filled what was void. We are about to discover the creative power and attributes of God in Genesis. THE CONTEXT. Genesis 1:12. Ver. Its bare and rough soil is set with the germs of an incipient verdure. Come he will, and look for fruit in its season. Last week we saw how ineffective punishment/curse was. In great abundance at once; the hills and vales were clothed with it, and so a rich provision was made the beasts and cattle of the earth two or three days before they were created: and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself after his kind: wholesome and healthful herbs and plants, and delicious fruit to be meat and food for man, ready prepared for him when created; see Genesis 1:29 on this day, though after related, were made the garden of Eden, and all the trees in it, pleasant for sight, and good for food; and particularly the tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Again, the waters must be withdrawn from a portion of the solid surface before the plants could be placed in the ground, so as to have the full benefit of the light, air, and vapor in enabling them to draw from the soil the sap by which they are to be nourished. "; [James 3:12] that were monstrous. Is the commodity of time so scarce with him that he must or should for any good reason sum up the course of a universe of things in an infinitesimal portion of its duration? He created the land animals and man. Commentary on Genesis 12:1-4a. In the case of the grass there is no reference either … and God saw that it was good; which he had now caused to spring forth, grass, herbs, and fruit trees, which were good for men and beast, and this he foresaw would be so; See Gill on Genesis 1:4. On the third day He did two works. Commentary on Genesis 12:1-3 (Read Genesis 12:1-3) God made choice of Abram, and singled him out from among his fellow-idolaters, that he might reserve a people for himself, among whom his true worship might be maintained till the coming of Christ. In the case of the grass there is no reference either … Yielding fruit after his kind.] Genesis 1:1: Ge 14:19; 2Ki 19:15; Ne 9:6; Job 38:4; Ps 90:2; 136:6; 146:6; Isa 37:16; 40:28; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12, 18; Jer 27:5; 32:17; Ac 14:15; 17:24; Eph 3:9; Col 1:16; Heb 3:4; 11:3; Rev 4:11; 10:6 Genesis 1:2 : Isa 23:1; 24:10; 27:10; 32:14; 34:11 Now the Lord had said unto Abram--It pleased God, who has often been found of them who sought Him not, to reveal Himself to Abraham perhaps by a miracle; and the conversion of Abraham is one of the most remarkable in Bible history. The golden-yellow sun and the reddish human being will complete this rainbow of colors." Both the beginning and the process of this latest creation are to a nicety adjusted to the preexistent and concurrent state of things. The context for this story begins with Genesis 3, which introduces sin by telling of the Fall. In the case of the grass there is no reference either … 1 Corinthiërs 15:38) Als God, de Heere, leven schept, dan legt Hij daarin tevens de macht om leven voort te brengen. And perhaps Christ would else never have cursed the fruitless fig tree, since the time of figs was not yet come. John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible. upright and sincere in acts of faith, and in duties of religion, and go on to perfection; which though a sinless one is not attainable in this life, is desirable, and is to be had in Christ, though not in ourselves: but here it chiefly denotes an holy and unblamable life and conversation, which though not entirely free from sin, yet without any notorious ones, which bring dishonour to God, and disgrace upon a man's character and profession, see ( Genesis … Abram was tried whether he loved God better than all, and … Sir Kenelm Digby saw in 1660 a plant of barley, in the possession of the fathers of the Christian doctrine at Paris, which contained 249 stalks springing from one root or grain, and in which he counted upwards of 18,000 grains. Whose seed was in itself - Which has the power of multiplying itself by seeds, slips, roots, etc., ad infinitum; which contains in itself all the rudiments of the future plant through its endless generations. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good. This is the first generation. It indicates that the herbs and trees sprang out of the earth according to their kinds, and received, together with power to bear seed and fruit, the capacity to propagate and multiply their own kind. Die in waarheid is wedergeboren uit de Geest, in wie waarlijk het oprecht geloof leeft, deze moet vruchten voortbrengen der bekering waardig, omdat het leven uit God is.. What is the issue that, this time, brings … Continue reading "Commentary on Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18" Chapter 5 lays the groundwork for Noah’s story by providing his genealogy. Commentary on Genesis 13:5-9 (Read Genesis 13:5-9) Riches not only afford matter for strife, and are the things most commonly striven about; but they also stir up a spirit of contention, by making people proud and covetous. In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, &c.] The wife then is to be hearkened to when she speaks reason. 2 Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. But plants multiply themselves by slips as well as by seeds. (1) Now the Lord had said unto Abram .—Heb., And Jehovah said unto Abram. In chapter 13, Abram and Lot separated because “The land was not able to bear them, that they might live together: for their substance was great, so that they could not live together. Other Forerunner Commentary entries containing Genesis 1:12: Genesis 6:1-4 Ecclesiastes 7:1-4 Matthew 12:38-40 Matthew : Luke : Acts 15:14-18 Genesis 1:11 : Genesis 1:13 >> The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. . He created light and the firmament. king of Elam, ( X) Tidal king of Goyim, Amraphel king of Shinar and Arioch king of Ellasar—four kings against five. Genesis 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.. Ver. c. I will make you a great nation: God promised to make a nation from Abram. To the basic white and black of day and night has been added the blue of sky and sea. Commentary on Genesis 12:1-9. Chapter 6 tells of the wickedness of the …
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