…that his wife was cheating on him before she died? When Beth Emhoff (Gwyneth Paltrow) returns to Minnesota from a Hong Kong business trip, she attributes the malaise she feels to jet lag. Mears notes none had direct contact with Beth after she came home. Other scientists determine the virus is spread by respiratory droplets and fomites, with a basic reproduction number of four when the virus mutates; they project that 1 in 12 of the world population will be infected, with a 25–30% mortality rate. Cheever and wife. She expresses the need for the WHO to be thorough in its investigations. You took that chance every day. NYGAARD [OVER PHONE]: Hey, friend, what’s up with blowing off dinner? Earlier, in Hong Kong, World Health Organization epidemiologist Dr. Leonora Orantes and public health officials comb through tapes of Beth’s contacts in a Macau casino and identify her as the index case. Oh, Dad, you’re here because you stayed in your practice…. Oh, good. The technician tells his partner to call EVERYONE. Any antivirus? The death toll is rising into the hundreds of thousands all over the continent. No, I’m just.. I’m just trying to understand. Roger asks Cheever about his son since the school thinks he has ADHD. Jory feels guilty of not being there when Clark died, but Mitch says it is not her fault. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. He is being arrested for securities fraud and manslaughter (probably for Lorraine) among other things. ORANTES: It’s transmission. It’s a lie, and you made $4.5 million for telling it. Excuse me! He shows he is taking the homeopathic remedy Forsythia, and dips it into his water and drinks it. Vaccine #57 successfully protected the monkey from infection. The transport he was going to use is being used for a Congressman, as he learns from Haggerty. She is staying with him. And the virus attaches to the cell like a key slipping into a lock. …of the courage and perseverance of a remarkable few. She accidentally leaves her phone at the bar and a woman picks it up and hands it to her. The only things there were measles and H1N1. He walks the streets, his vision getting more hazy. …and you’re highly contagious. Feng says she died. A doctor comes to see him later and tells him Beth has just died. A few days, this will be tweeted and YouTubed all over the planet. Great. I want you to get off now. Beth is at home, getting worse. We see more security footage of Beth in the Hong Kong casino. But I can’t guarantee it’s gonna tell you any more than I can. Dr. Ellis Cheever (Laurence Fishburne) comes into work at the Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When he gets home he sees Jory is gone and notices footprints in the snow moving away from the house. After that, all air travel is grounded. MITCH: If I’m immune, can’t you use my blood to cure this? I’m not sure if–. We’re trying to get more in from Canada, but they just wanna wait and see. If you get into a political dogfight, call me. He is traveling back home to Tokyo. Jory is with Andrew making snow angels. It is there. He was right to do so. Everyone is staying in, afraid. Eisenberg gets an email in the lab. Okay, come on. Excuse me, Dr. Mears. Thank you. Oh, my God. I’m an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer…. MITCH: Okay. Hextall says she cannot, not when he is being investigated, Mears died, and her father nearly died treating the sick. No, I won’t. Maybe they’d rather roll the dice with forsythia. The Chinese insisted. The virus contains both bat and pig sequences. I mean, we had dinner. NEWSCASTER: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States…, …and the World Health Organization in Switzerland…, …confirmed today that Dr. Ian Sussman of San Francisco…. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. We’re out of blankets. …that has so far taken the life of a school nurse and three students. If you have symptoms, please hang up and call 612-188-6336. Sorry, they got one of them. We appreciate your patience and we’re doing the best we can. Hextall says he just wants credit for his work. …with our union, not to mention the health of the mourners, to consider. It dropped the banana piece which we are to assume had the virus on it. Blogging is not writing. Mitch watches them dance. R stands for the reproductive rate of the virus. One country culls all their chickens, red meat goes into higher demand. She is laying on a cot in a triage center and very close to death. She handles a briefing on this unknown virus and the cases of infection in the U.S., China, London and Japan. Yeah, I picked her up at the airport. Mitch goes home and looks outside. …polio spread at a rate between four and six. WOMAN 2 [OVER PA]: Attention passengers on Flight 5228…. In Atlanta, representatives of the Department of Homeland Security meet with Dr. Ellis Cheever of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and express fears that the disease is a bioweapon intended to cause terror over the Thanksgiving weekend. There’s no doubt he was approached, but he gave it to us. Back in Hong Kong, in Sun Feng’s village, the captive Orantes has been teaching an art class. Uh, but I can’t let you in. Cheever is afraid they touched her (as they are just about to receive the vaccine) but Aubrey denies it. Mears calls him as he is on a bus. Will you please be quiet and hold your head back? Haggerty mentions that someone could try to weaponise the Avian flu but Cheever counters that by saying, “They don’t need to. Returning from a business trip in Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff has a layover in Chicago and meets a former lover for sex. We see a table where she had sat and had drinks with several people. Crikey, first we shoot them into space, now we’ll be shooting them full of virus. They notice something strange about her brain. Yeah, beats waiting another seven months. No more lies! These numbers might be low. He is apparently sick with the virus. You have to go. We have a new R-0, Ellis. MEARS: Blood serums can take a long time to make, and are very expensive. NEWSCASTER: Officials are reporting the closing of Mondale Elementary School…, …in response to the recent outbreak of a still-unknown disease…. …and we’ve modeled the way it enters the cells of the lung and the brain. …we are predicting an R-0 of no less than four. You wanna talk to me, call my office and make an appointment. Sussman gets anointed by the National Academy of Sciences…. Orantes realizes that Beth is “Patient Zero” for the entire outbreak. They’re shutting down the board of trade, the public transportation. This is what I want to do right this minute. …is because we can’t replace you right now. The only reason we’re not taking this to the attorney general…. Well, it’s probably too cold up there for that right now. If I’m gonna step into the crosshairs, I wanna know what’s in–. People trust you, Alan. An epidemic of what? It’s the biggest shopping weekend of the year. Come on. A UCSF infectious disease doctor is convinced this pandemic is ending, and sooner than you think…here’s why. But all her symptoms point to it. Riots ensue, and Mitch saves a woman from getting her food stolen. …and hoping that the healthy people don’t get sick. …who are very helpful with this sort of passing, okay? Haggerty tells Cheever there are plans in place to quarantine Chicago, but he is to tell no one until the government makes it public. The average person touches their face 2 or 3000 times a day. …we lose another 144 days that don’t happen again. WOMAN 1 [OVER PA]: Once again, for passengers traveling on Flight 1457…. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Empty streets, airports, gyms etc. Ian is another doctor in a less secure bio medical facility then theirs. HEXTALL: I’m tracking vaccine batch numbers. Meanwhile, Dr. Sussman defies orders and runs some further tests on the virus samples. The doctor asks about her Chicago layover, and if Beth knew anyone there. MITCH: Hey, get away from there. Absenteeism in law enforcement is nearing 25 percent…, OPERATOR [ON RECORDING]: Because of the high volume of 911 calls…. Eisenberg and Hextall begin animal trials with monkeys to test vaccine variants. We’re just having a hard time with the logistics of evacuating you. …and we’ll need to be operational within the next 24 to 48 hours. How do you call this, “fish,” in Chinese? Mitch tells him to go upstairs as he calls 911. Let me bring Alan Krumwiede into this debate as well. It’s close to where you are now. Whoa. After hearing several workers at a casino got sick where Beth attended, Orantes tells Feng to get tapes of the security footage. LEOPOLD: They’re using the same protocols established for SARS. MEARS: I’d prefer to get started, if that’s possible. People that work at hospitals. What’s going on? Cheever is outraged that Sussman defied orders. Just before he does, Mitch comes up and pulls him off her, telling him to go home. Two doctors, Ally Hextall (Jennifer Ehle) and David Eisenberg (Demetri Martin) go into a secure bio lab and look at the samples taken from Beth’s body among others. DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES - CONTAGION One Shot tiếng việt mới nhất, đọc truyện tranh DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES - CONTAGION One Shot, truyen DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES - CONTAGION One Shot online DAVE: I sure hope you packed something warmer than that. In Switzerland, Dr. Leonora Orantes (Marion Cotillard), goes to work at the World Health Organization (WHO). If you find yourself wide awake, staring at the walls at 3 a.m…. -Uh, I think she’s allergic to penicillin. Company Credits That caused some bats to fly out. Cheever says he will do everything he can to get her home, but she should stay in her room for now. However, demand becomes insatiable and people begin to riot and loot all over the country. …or West Nile in some summer camp near a lake. WHO knows, but they’re in bed with the Americans. They’re quarantining the complex and screening for symptoms. In that moment, there is hope for the future. The body doesn’t know what to do and the virus continues to attack. He is briefed by their liaison, Lyle Haggerty (Bryan Cranston). I’ll save you a seat on the bus. DAVE: My wife makes me take off my clothes in the garage. At the CDC, Dr. The incubation period is less than that. And my job interview got pushed to next week. Aubrey goes shopping for supplies when she is called by her friend whom she was supposed to meet for dinner. Contagion (2011) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Uh, destroy everything. They say the French and Americans have a cure. Aubrey says ‘no’, they had to wait like everyone else. 911. …if we can put a vaccination in the water supply, like fluoride. You do it. 100 vaccine shots for Orantes. Hextall notices the monkey treated with vaccine #57 has no symptoms. Jude Law says scientists warned him during the filming of 2011 thriller Contagion that a real pandemic was inevitable: 'It was a case of when rather than if' By David Lawrance For Dailymail.com …and the green is its receptor in the human cells. …has succeeded in growing the ME V-1 virus in a laboratory setting. Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) – Transcript. NURSE: I’m sorry, sir, we’re doing the best we can. …so any figure I give you is likely to be low. So we just need to know which direction. Some hours later, Mears is shown in a translucent plastic bag. Meanwhile, Mitch goes to a funeral home and learns that because his wife and son died due to the virus, the funeral home will not accept the bodies for burial. She stares at a cup of coffee and tries to pick it up as Mitch talks about his day. We have her using the machine at 10:43 just off the casino floor. Then she leaves out a bucket of warm water and some soap. …which is likely still months away from human trials. flu viruses that have been ‘inactivated’ (killed) and are therefore not infectious, or; using only a single gene from a flu virus (as opposed to the full virus) in order to produce an immune response without causing infection. Lorraine says they don’t have the budget for this kind of freelance work but Allen says this story can go worldwide in 24 hours. …when that’s the best chance they’ve got. Hong Kong? We’ll find someone, have them take a look. Anything? The young man from Hong Kong leaves his apartment, coughing near several people in an elevator. These receptors are found in the cells of both the respiratory tract…. I mean, heh, we can’t even tell people right now what they should be afraid of. Allen looks at it stoically. Excuse me. Sussman tells him to make an appointment and insults Allen’s journalism saying, “Blogging is graffiti with punctuation.”, Cheever is met at the CDC doors by Homeland Security agents. Back in Minnesota, still in quarantine, Mitch asks Mears if he is immune since he has not shown any symptoms and he also asks why they cannot use his blood to make a vaccine. Cheever attempts to get Mears out of Minnesota but hits roadblocks on every turn. Mears calls Cheever. It’s good that you weren’t there. What is the nature of your relationship with Elizabeth Nygaard? Returning from a business trip in Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff has a layover in Chicago and meets a former lover for sex. Government official Sun Feng kidnaps Orantes as leverage to obtain MEV-1 vaccine doses for his village, where she remains for months. Orantes is horrified that they would condemn a village of mostly children to death and runs off… perhaps to catch her flight home, or perhaps back to the village. Deciding to be proactive, she injects herself with the vaccine. So, um, despite all our efforts, she failed to respond. They just say that it’s the safest thing in a situation like this. "Pizzagate" is a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. Mitch comes to help clean it up, when Beth starts to have a seizure. He apparently was unable to get her medicine in time (or possibly did nothing). Mears tells him even though his intentions are noble, plasma vaccines are tricky and time consuming to make and are not guaranteed to work. …and we’re seeing large clusters in from Frankfurt and Cairo. And give me 2 milligrams of Ativan, please. Krumwiede, having faked his illness to boost sales of forsythia, is arrested for conspiracy and securities fraud. Three months. The doctor tries to explain that his wife might have picked something up in China but there are no health alerts there to match to any of her symptoms. Hey, hey, hey. Government officials, scientists, or Westerners with great wealth. They’re, you know, just making sure. You go on home. Cheever then tells her to leave Chicago and not tell a soul where she is going. …than that many people lost their lives because we didn’t do enough. The Chinese don’t negotiate with kidnappers. And here is a model of the virus and how it attaches to its host. You’re asking me to spend a lot of resources on one person…. The news report on the virus, now called MEV-1 and crediting Sussman for discovering the findings. They meet the contact on a deserted freeway near Hong Kong. And without a vaccine, we can anticipate…. We need to shut you down. We believe that there are approximately 89,000 cases at this point…, And from there, using our model, based on an R-0 of two…. He lied about his condition. I’m happy about that. Okay, what happened? I’ll show it to Hobart. So instead we lose spring, we lose summer…. She goes into the bathroom and takes her temperature, praying to God that she is not infected. The most common side effects are pain and swelling in the arm where you received the shot. Orantes says she is sorry. Dr. Cheever, he asked you to call if you feel up to it. …1 percent of the population died from Spanish flu. In a police interrogation room, the lead detective tells Allen they looked at his blood work. She negotiates with local bureaucrats, who are reluctant to commit resources for a public health response. And stop touching your face, Dave. Come on. They go to leave and Feng makes a call. She calls John Neal saying she can get an earlier flight so they can meet up.
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