Bring your hand out and pull the ball back by dribbling the ball towards yourself, catching it with the opposite hand. It is a new and useful technique that kids can use in real games. Squat down into an athletic/universal position with the ball in the right hand and your head up. Doing basketball drills where a player dribbles two basketballs at once FORCES kids to: A) Use their weak hand B) Challenges their coordination. If, at any time, both hands touch the ball or the player stops dribbling, the player must only move one foot. Basketball should be fun. With the basketball in your right hand and your head up, perform a crossover behind the back, transferring the ball from your right hand to your left hand. Once you perform the crossover and your left hand receives the ball, bounce the ball once and then alternate by hopping up with the left leg towards the left. Can Strength Shoes and Jumpsoles Increase Jump Height? "You dribble to score, not to explore." To teach your youth basketball team how to comfortably dribble with both hands and their heads up, check these drills from STACK Expert Michael Coleman. This... 3-6-9-12-15 Drill. When trying to improve a team, youth basketball dribbling drills can be an important element, but unlike passing skills, learning to dribble effectively is something that is important to individual play.. W hether a player is bringing the ball up to the front court, driving to the hoop or simply attempting to get away from a defender without the opportunity to pass, dribbling skills are important. Pound Dribbles 1. With each of these drills, it’s important to keep in mind that they should be done at maximum intensity by dribbling the ball hard and moving as quickly as you can. The dribbling drills in this video are perfect to help beginners develop all of those basic keys, and understand how to get handles that work in games. Learn how to dribble a basketball with the Jr. NBA! Setup This dribbling drill uses all players on the team at the same time. As such, you want to incorporate your body into the pullback, bringing your chest, shoulders, and head forwards while remaining low to the ground in an athletic position. Once you perform the crossover, touch the wall with the hand that crossed over the ball, in this case, the right hand. This type of dribble is also known as the push-pull dribble. This article is broken down into two parts. Basketballs stay moving the entire drill. The player then has … You don’t want your players coming into the gym dreading practice because they already ... dribble the basketball around their right leg. Visually, the ball should be going around your left leg; be sure to alternate afterward and go around the right leg by starting the sequence with the right hand. Proceed to perform another double crossover, followed by a single crossover behind the back, at which point you should be back to the starting position. Beginner drills are building blocks to your dribbling foundation. With the basketball in one hand, perform an explosive dribble at an angle and stop with a convincing hesitation. Once your left hand receives the ball, proceed to perform another crossover between the legs, transferring the ball from your left hand to your right hand, and touching the wall with your left hand. So with these key points in mind, let’s look at the first set of drills. Perform another crossover behind the back, transferring the ball from your left hand to your right hand, and laterally shifting your body to the right. Bounce the ball as hard as you can at around eye level. We’ve included a variety of drills, from basic fundamentals to more advanced game situation drills. Bounce the ball as hard as you can at around knee height, and continue to dribble for further repetitions. On-the-move dribbling drills, to develop tighter control of the ball during moves, and in transition 3. Players will need to create space to pass or to shoot, relying on a tight, quick dribble that is hard to guard. Also, don’t limit yourself to performing each of these drills in isolation; every once in a while mix things up by incorporating multiple drills together and keeping yourself guessing. This is done by dribbling the ball at a... Crossover Dribble. Dribbling Behind the Back Basketball drills. Below you’ll find over 200 basketball practice drills for youth, middle school, high school, and college coaches. You could then pass the ball or even transition into your shot; the pullback is extremely versatile and offers a variety of different uses. After this, either pound the basketball once towards the ground to add a break in between or simply perform a quick pause. As a basketball coach, you want to keep your practices interesting and fresh. Dribbling drills ‘Chase’ Drills Focus, Speed Dribbling. Try the following girls' basketball drills and watch yourself get better. Dribbling for details of the control dribble, speed dribble, crossover dribble, in and out dribble, hesitation dribble, behind the back dribble, and through the legs dribble, spin move, and back-up dribble. Purpose This drill will teach players to maintain a good, balanced body position while dribbling, with the feet shoulder-width apart. If you have any questions, reach out to us anytime at In front of a wall, Squat down into an athletic/universal position with the basketball in your right hand and your head up. Focus on training both the left hand and right hand equally; ambidexterity is a skill you’ll want to master that’ll prove useful when in a game. Below, you can find 3 simple but effective drills that will improve any dribble technique. The goal of this site is to provide quality information regarding basketball that educates visitors and improves their ability to play. For this drill, form two lines of players on opposite sides of the court, near each basket. On this page, we’ve pulled together a collection of 22 simple, fun and effective basketball drills designed for all ages. It also removes the reliance on your eyes to know where the ball is, leaving you to depend on your instinct as you get a feel for the ball. I will say to be a bit more cautious when performing low pounds and to treat them a bit more like quick taps since pounding the basketball at such a low level may lead to injury such as a jammed finger. Attack & Make A Move. Proceed to perform another crossover behind the back, transferring the ball from the left hand to the right hand, laterally shifting your body to the left, and performing another in and out. By pushing yourself to keep up with and adapt to the difficulty, the in-game action will be much easier to execute in comparison. Please make sure your […] They will then start the drill by taking one rhythmic dribble and then quickly repeat this behind the back. It can also be used when you’re being guarded heavily from the front and need to safely change directions and divert a defender. Perform a crossover in between the legs, transferring the ball back to your right hand, and then repeat the process. This builds your reflexes to better handle situations on the court, and with such a large number of drills available, you’ll be dedicating plenty of time during practice to bettering your control. Two ball passing with a teammate. Once the left hand receives the ball, laterally shift your body towards the right, and then perform an in and out dribble with the left hand, bringing the ball in towards the center of the body and dribbling it outwards. Looking for basketball dribbling drills? The drill will help the player get better at dribbling the ball; the speed will also improve drastically by the mastering of these pound dribble basketball drills. Sit your butt low for the behind the back v dribble. Do the same with your left hand. The drills in this article were chosen across multiple different categories of dribbling drills, each of which focuses on a select area, such as increasing the speed of your hand or improving your ability to escape a tight spot. In its most basic form, dribbling has the ability to create space when needed on the offensive end, making it easier to set up and execute plays. 30 Basketball Dribbling Drills - For Coaches & Players Dribbling Drills for Beginners. Stationary dribbling drills, to develop fundamental ball control and warm up your handles before your main workout2. The drills are organized by category. Perform each drill at maximum intensity; pushing yourself to get out of your comfort zone, even to the point of making mistakes and losing the ball, is a very important. Squat down into an athletic/universal position with the ball in the right hand and your head up. Squat down into an athletic/universal position with the basketball in one hand and your head up. With the basketball in hand, dribble the ball three times, then cross it over to your left hand by dribbling it in front of you, tapping the ground only once. The following 5 basketball ball handling drills will assist players to learn the basics and put them on the path to becoming an efficient dribbler. Basketball Dribble Relay Dribbling Relay Split the group into equal teams. I am writing this article, to show you that you always have many options to improve your game. With the basketball in hand, dribble the ball three times, then cross it over to your left hand by dribbling it behind the back, tapping the ground only once. This will enhance your overall ball control because over time you’ll progressively adapt yourself to the intensity of the pound dribble during practice, making it more manageable. Like the pistons in an engine, one ball is down while the other is up, and vice versa. Perform the same steps again for the desired amount of repetitions. How the Drill Works: This drill involves keeping a balloon in the air while simultaneously dribbling a basketball. This is a great drill that helps your players get a lot of shots up in a competitive setting. b. Relays encourage participants to improve speed as they dribble. That's something all coaches and players need to remember. As a basketball player we really want to improve our shooting not just to score many, but for us to be able to hit the game winning shot. This can be hard to do when you are learning to dribble, so when you are doing your drills you should have something to look at like a basketball rim or a spot high up on the wall. The player will initiate the drill by standing at one end of the cones with a basketball in hand. 28 shares; Facebook 21; Pinterest 7; The goal of a youth basketball program is to both teach kids the fundamentals of the game and also instill a love and commitment to the sport. On the whistle players dribble around the cones, when they reach the end the dribble straight back to the end of the queue. The dribbling drills on this page aim to help you coach your players in beating players with their skill and pace. You can also perform the crossover in between the legs and behind the back, transferring the ball from one hand to the other and then back. The series is broken down into 3 parts:1. Read my full disclosure here. Complete the sequence with a finish of your choice, such as a shot to the hoop, or if you’re not on a court simply pretend to transfer into a finish. Pound Dribble – Left Hand – Ankle High These dribble moves drill videos are two of the great resources available from basketballhq. Divide the players into two teams. Retreat Dribble Drill The retreat dribble drill is one of the basic basketball drills for kids. After this perform a single crossover behind the back, transferring the ball back to the left hand. You can then pass the basketball, take a shot, or even run towards the hoop, making the crossover a useful tool when learning how to dunk. In this drill, you’ll run at full speed from half-court to somewhere along the top of the key. When the whistle starts, the player/s must dribble starting with either hand then perform the cross-over dribble, between the legs, behind the back dribble and the spin dribble. Repeat for further repetitions, and once you are finished with one hand alternate to the other. Performing a crossover dribble is a very effective move for a basketball player, and it can be used in many different variations to glide past an opponent. This article is broken down into two parts. There is more to basketball-handling proficiency than dribbling and shooting. If you've got pre-school or kindergarten basketball players, these basketball ball handling drills are great for helping them become more comfortable dribbling, passing, and catching the ball. The dribbling drills on this page aim to help you coach your players in beating players with their skill and pace. Paul George shows you how to properly dribble a basketball. Have the players ready for the 4 dribbling drills starting at the endline. This is a core skill and we look at the fine details of the techniques required to dribble like the best giving you basketball drills and exercises to …
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