for "no go," as if spelled "know go;" N.C. for "'nuff ced;" K.Y. According to the article, celebrated etymologist Dr. Allen Walker Read (1906-2002) argued that OK first appeared as an abbreviation for "Oll Korrect" in a satirical piece on grammar that was published in the Boston Morning Post in 1839. The West African hypothesis had not been accepted by 1981 by any etymologists,[28][30][31] yet has since appeared in scholarly sources published by linguists and non-linguists alike.[32]. The term appears to have achieved national prominence in 1840, when supporters of the Democratic political party claimed during the 1840 United States presidential election that it stood for "Old Kinderhook", a nickname for the Democratic president and candidate for reelection, Martin Van Buren, a native of Kinderhook, New York. The "Chairman of the Committee on Charity Lecture Bells," is one of the deputation, and perhaps if he should return to Boston, via Providence, he of the Journal, and his train-band, would have his "contribution box," et ceteras, o.k.—all correct—and cause the corks to fly, like sparks, upward. To approve. Plus précisément, elle aurait été proférée régulièreme... », « Chirstian, pour information, l’expression KO vient de l’anglais "knock out", littéralement "frappé dehors". It has been described as the most frequently spoken or written word on the planet. Un jour et demi pour la référence à Jacquouille, c’est honnête, vu l’intêret de la dite référence, okeyyy. L’origine du formulaire administratif À l’origine, le formulaire administratif prend le nom de « Cerfa », d’après l’appellation de l’organisme qui le produisait alors : le Centre d’Enregistrement et de Révision des Formulaires Administratifs. [21] The major language of trade in this area, Mobilian Jargon, was based on Choctaw-Chickasaw, two Muskogean-family languages. There is an Indian word, okeh, used as an affirmative reply to a question. In Taiwan, OK is frequently used in various sentences, popular among but not limited to younger generations. Vous êtes insatisfait ? Through his courtesy we were able to examine this manuscript carefully, to make greatly enlarged photographs of it, and to become convinced (as is Richardson) that, whatever the marks in the manuscript are, they are not OK.[28], Similarly, H. L. Mencken, who originally considered it "very clear that 'o. On peut donc certainement laisser tomber les origines françaises de ces expressions.A moins que considérées comme des abréviations et non des mots, OK et KO n’aient pas été appréciés à leur juste valeur. Je n'en suis pas certain, mais elle m'est tellement souventes fois demandée que je l'ajoute quand même ici. Try before you buy demos and trials and score totally free games! OK definition: 1. used to show that you agree with something or agree to do something: 2. used to check that…. [60], The Forth programming language prints ok when ready to accept input from the keyboard. Learn more. ).... "ōkē") or オッケー (lit. Yngve, Victor. We don't really have to look further for the origin, but people still do. Spanish speakers often spell the word "okey" to conform with the spelling rules of the language. The Origin of OK. [2] As a versatile discourse marker or back-channeling item, it can also be used with appropriate intonation to show doubt or to seek confirmation ("OK? Various claims of earlier usage have been made. I don't want to OK this amount of money. ", Je réitère donc : un oui, franc et massif, vaut tous les OK du monde, dans notre pays de bonne chère et de bon vin. It may be pronounced as in English, but /ɔˈkeː/ or /oˈkeː/ are also common. [39] Cassidy asserts that this is a misreading of the source, which actually begins "Oh, ki, massa ...", where ki is a phrase by itself: In all other examples of this interjection that I have found, it is simply ki (once spelled kie). Choctaw word for 'it is so' (see above). In Flanders and the Netherlands, OK has become part of the everyday Dutch language. Play the latest RPGs, shooters, Sims games & more. Le dessous des mots La tonnelle sous le canal. [40], In 1961, NASA popularized the variant "A-OK" during the launch of Alan Shepard's Mercury mission.[53]. La « procrastination » est un mot qui à lui seul contient toute l'idée d'un proverbe. 200 000 citations célèbres proverbes et dictons. In one particular line, he said “o.k. This means red (humma) people (okla). An alternative English spelling, no longer common, This slang term was popularized in the film ", A more technical-sounding variation popularized by, A corruption from the speech of the large number of descendants of Scottish and, This page was last edited on 4 March 2021, at 14:21. OK is often used in colloquial Japanese as a replacement for 大丈夫 (daijōbu "all right") or いい (ii "good") and often followed by です (desu – the copula). or okay. Play the latest RPGs, shooters, Sims games & more. Armstrong, Nancy & Melissa Wagner. a judge will have to OK the search warrant b. It fulfills a similar role as an adverb ("Wow, you did OK for your first time skiing!"). See more. Le deuxième n'est pas conforme aux règles phonotactiques habituelles de l'anglais, ce qui pourrait corroborer la thèse d'une origin… [3][29] Though Frederic Cassidy challenged Dalby's claims, asserting that there is no documentary evidence that any of these African-language words had any causal link with its use in the American press,[28] one can certainly wonder at the fact that this standard of written proof does not account for the illiteracy in which the West African speakers were kept during the period of slavery in question. Abbreviations: OK (for use with zip code), Okla. See more. Que c’est une bonne question, qui peut encore faire gloser pendant des millénaires ! OK meaning: 1. used to show that you agree with something or agree to do something: 2. used to check that…. Chirstian, pour information, l’expression KO vient de l’anglais "knock out", littéralement "frappé dehors". How to use OK in a sentence. In Russia, OK is used very frequently for any positive meaning. H. L. Mencken, in The American Language, lists serious candidates and "a few of the more picturesque or preposterous". This tale begins more than 175 years ago, in 1839, in the Boston Morning Post, when a particularly clever editor included it in an article about the Anti-Bell Ringing Society. "On getting a word in edgewise," page 568. "): 7. (ceci n’engage que moi ! [59] The inspiration was likely the -ok parameter in Unix' find command. (time is money hehe) robert hingston says . Et moi je préfère la voix mignonnette de ma petite-fille de deux ans très très bientôt dire "Assis là, lire, voui ? Okla humma was a phrase in the Choctaw language … OK /ɔkɛ/ (/oke/ au Québec) est une expression abrégée de l'anglais qui signifie « d'accord ». Vous devez être connecté pour publier un commentaire : © Reverso Technologies Inc. 2021 - Tous droits réservés, explications sur l'origine, signification, exemples, traductions. Origine et définition . This is a list of etymologies proposed for the word OK or okay.The majority can be easily classified as false etymologies, or possibly folk etymologies. OK's original presentation as "all correct" was later varied with spellings such as "Oll Korrect" or even "Ole Kurreck". ok, bye.). La preuve sur. Mais sans préciser à qui... D’après certains témoignages, l’origine de cette espression remonterait au Moyen Âge. Three major American reference works (Webster's, New Century, Funk & Wagnalls) cited this etymology as the probable origin until as late as 1961. It is sometimes spelled as okey. Il suffit de demander ! "The Choctaw Expression "Okeh" and the Americanism "Okay, The Native Languages of the Southeastern United States, The Choctaw Expression Okeh and the Americanism Okay,, Articles with Swedish-language sources (sv), Articles with Dutch-language sources (nl), Articles with Norwegian-language sources (no), Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2009, Articles that may contain original research from February 2017, All articles that may contain original research, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles containing simplified Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The general fad is speculated to have existed in spoken or informal written U.S. English for a decade or more before its appearance in newspapers. "Vote for OK" was snappier than using his Dutch name. It is written as it sounds in English אוקיי. Arguments for a more Southern origin for the word note the tendency of English to adopt loan words in language contact situations, as well as the ubiquity of the OK particle. Wiki approuve mon choix instinctif : une source d’un côté, pas de source et des "légendes urbaines" de l’autre : pas de trace de OK ou KO non plus dans le "argot français" de Colin, Mével et Leclère (Larousse). Okay (prescurtat OK) este un cuvânt din limba engleză, care înseamnă „bine”, ori „acceptabil”, în funcție de context.OK este utilizat pentru a descrie o stare de spirit, un acord, sau chiar pentru a începe o propoziție.Apariția lui este de dată recentă (secolul al XIX-lea), și multe alte limbi l-au împrumutat, fiind astăzi o expresie aproape universală. Try before you buy demos and trials and score totally free games! Peut-on considérer OK comme une expression ? 1. a. U.S. President Martin Van Buren's nickname "Old Kinderhook" -- OK for short. In Germany, OK is spelled as o.k. David Dalby first made the claim that the particle OK could have African origins in the 1969 Hans Wolff Memorial Lecture. The OK button can probably be traced to user interface research done for the Apple Lisa. In Portugal, it is used with its Portuguese pronunciation and sounds something like "ókâi" (similar to the English pronunciation but with the "ó" sounding like the "o" in "lost" or "top"), or even as 'oh-kapa', from the letters O ('ó') and K ('capa'). [14] In response, Whig opponents attributed OK, in the sense of "Oll Korrect," to the bad spelling of Andrew Jackson, Van Buren's predecessor. Personal interview by Nu Alpha Pi. In the Philippines, "okay lang" is a common expression that literally means "it's okay" or "it's fine". [20], Subsequent Choctaw spelling books de-emphasized the spellings lists in favor of straight prose, and they made use of the particle[,] but they too never included it in the word lists or discussed it directly. OK Boomer » trouve son origine dans une vidéo où l'on voit un homme âgé non identifié déclarer que les « milléniaux et la génération Z sont atteints du syndrome de Peter Pan, ils refusent de grandir et pensent que les idéaux utopiques qui ont bercé leur jeunesse vont d'une manière ou d'une autre se réaliser à l'âge adulte » [10]. The country-wide publicity surrounding the election appears to have been a critical event in OK's history, widely and suddenly popularizing it across the United States. The fact of originating; rise or derivation: The rumor had its origin in an impulsive remark. Plus précisément, elle aurait été proférée régulièrement par un gueux du nom de Jacquouille la Fripouille, auparavant mystérieuesement disparu puis réapparu avec son maître le seigneur Godeffroy de Montmirail. OK is frequently used as a loanword in other languages. Read argues that, at the time of the expression's first appearance in print, a broader fad existed in the United States of "comical misspellings" and of forming and employing acronyms, themselves based on colloquial speech patterns: The abbreviation fad began in Boston in the summer of 1838 ... and used expressions like OFM, "our first men," NG, "no go," GT, "gone to Texas," and SP, "small potatoes." It started as a comical abbreviation during a fad in New England in the 1830s. OK definition is - all right. In Turkey, the OK sign is considered offensive, as the sign was once—and still is—used as a salute by the far-right, ultra-nationalist terrorist organisation, the Grey Wolves.
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